Bangladesh Adventist Seminary & College (BASC)

Bangladesh Adventist Seminary & College is a Seventh-Day Adventist Theological Seminary and College in the Southern Asia-Pacific Division. BASC is one of several boarding schools where Bangla Hope sponsored students attend.

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Congratulations to the graduates of 2019!

Published Thu, Jan 23, 20. Written by .


Angelina Anushka Chisim

Age: 16

Birthday: 2008-04-17


Anik Bormon

Age: 12

Birthday: 2012-12-10

Bikanno Biswas

Age: 23

Birthday: 2001-07-26


Dibbo Dango

Age: 21

Birthday: 2003-10-01

Ditash Mrong

Age: 25

Birthday: 2000-02-07

Jenny Murmu

Age: 18

Birthday: 2006-04-06


Joana Rieana Chisim

Age: 13

Birthday: 2011-03-17

Manik Hazra

Age: 22

Birthday: 2002-09-21


Merina Murmu

Age: 40

Birthday: 1984-09-16


Popy Arinda

Age: 25

Birthday: 1999-07-06

Ritu Hansdak

Age: 21

Birthday: 2004-02-11

Rony Chowdhury

Age: 36

Birthday: 1989-01-05

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