
Caleb Ekka Kolin


Age 18

Birthday 2005-06-27

First Name Caleb

Gender Male

Grade 12

Caleb's Story

Caleb comes from a Christian family background and the western part of Bangladesh.

His father was working for many years in the Adventist Boarding School and then shifted to Bangla Hope the very beginning of establishment in his local territory. His father stayed in the town called Hili and did LC business there. He never profited much and then lost almost all of it.  Now the families situation is so desperate that his father can't bear the educational expenses and the boy is moved to the boarding school for his education and to have a better normal life. His father is also trying to get a job but it's very hard to manage. 

This boy is good and very calm and faithful to his study. He needs sponsorship and without sponsorship it is impossible to run his education any more. This will help him lots and blessed in education. 

I know you will enjoy sponsoring him and you are changing a life.


Mr. Panuel Baroi,

Sponsorship Director, Bangla Hope Mission