
Elizabeth Talukder


Age 19

Birthday 2005-03-02

Place Bangla Hope Children's Home

First Name Elizabeth

Gender Female

Grade 8th

Elizabeth's Story

I was at KMMS Orphanage and Boarding School waiting for the guardians of five abandoned babies. They slowly started to bring the babies. One young man came carrying a sweet little girl who looked to be close to one year old. He told me that he had an arranged marriage after which he found out the young lady was mute and simple-minded. They are from a Hindu background. They had been married one and half years, but the wife did not know how to care for the baby. He felt the baby needed to be in a good and safe environment. He was a day laborer which meant that he worked in another mans field. He had no one to care for the baby. He had no land of his own. We took Elizabeth with us to our receiving center. She is growing up into a very nice young lady. Thank you so much for sponsoring Elizabeth. Her life will be blessed because of your sacrifice. Beverly Waid Director of Bangla Hope Orphanage Update 3/2018: Elizabeth is now in Grade 6. She enjoys her English class in school. Cats are her favorite animal. She loves the color purple and enjoys eating tomatoes. Elizabeths favorite Bible story is the story of Esther. She wants to be a teacher someday.


Published Mon, May 06, 19. Written by .
