
Julious Murmu

Age 23

Birthday 2001-01-10

Place BCI Engineering, Dhaka

's Story

Studying textile engineering. Julious always tries to do his best. He came from a Hindu background in the western part of Bangladesh. The boy is good in his studies and he always keeps his dream to become a textile engineering student to build for his better future to serve many more by his service.

His family condition is so poor. His father works as a day laborer all day long with little income and nothing remains in hand for education purposes. Julious was praying to God for his need. God is supplying his need on time so that he can continue his education. He is now at Engineering College and studying there and doing his best. He will be an example to others, students and many more. He will not join in the class on Sabbath.

I know you will enjoy sponsoring him and you are changing a life.


Mr. Panuel Baroi,

Sponsorship Director, Bangla Hope Mission