
Marc Sircar

Age 19

Birthday 2005-01-01

Place Seventh-day Adventist Maranatha Seminary (SAMS)

First Name Marc

Gender Male

Grade 12

Marc's Story

January 2005 I notified that there was a 23 day old baby tht needed a home. I was a little fearful because babies in Bangladesh are fragile for the first few months of their lives. I didnt want anything to happen to the baby while we had it. The mother and her boyfriend lived out in one of the villages. They became too friendly and she became pregnant. When she was four months along, the villagers and her family kicked her out of the village. She didnt know where to go so she managed somehow to get into Dhaka. She found an older beggar lady who was willing to let her live with her and have the baby. After the baby was born, the young girl was not able to take care of the baby properly and its eyes were all infected. Otherwise he was in good health. I felt great pity for the young mother who was not only ostracized from the family, but now felt she could not cope with keeping the baby. I said we would take the baby. When I went to get him he was wrapped in a bundle of rags with a dirty black string around his neck (Hindu practice to keep evil spirts away). His eyes were swollen shut! We took him home to our receiving center and gave him a nice bath. He looked like a different baby. After taking him to our baby doctor and getting him medicine, I felt much better. The doctor said baby Marcs eyes should clear up in about a week. What a blessing you are to little Marc. He will have a chance now to know and love Jesus and get a good education. I know you will enjoy sponsoring him. Beverly Waid Director of Bangla Hope Orphanage Update 1/2018 Marc is in class 8. He loves cricket and computers, dislikes work and eating wheat. Marc does marvelous at translating worships and wants to be a dentist.