
Lowery Adventist Nursing College


Monosapara Adventist Seminary & School (MASS) is a boarding school operated by North Bangladesh Mission, located on the hillocks area about 225 km North of Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh. Around 29.5 acres of na...

Notre Dame College

Prime University, Dhaka

Roorkee Adventist College, India

Seventh-day Adventist Maranatha Seminary (SAMS)

Seventh-day Adventist Maranath Seminary (SAMS) is operated by the Seventh–day Adventist Church of Bangladesh under the supervision of West Bangladesh Mission of SDA. SAMS is a co-educational boarding seminary. It is accred...

Spicer Adventist University

Village Schools

Thousands of villages dot the flat landscape of Bangladesh filled with many children who would not otherwise have access to primary education. Bangla Hope sponsors eleven village schools and teachers throughout the country...