2 of 4 Shares Sponsored

Suvo (Jethro) Marandi

Age 6

Birthday 2017-12-15

Place Bangla Hope Children's Home

First Name Suvo (Jethro)

Gender Male

Suvo (Jethro)'s Story

A group of us from Bangla Hope traveled an hour or so from our campus to the home of two siblings, a boy just shy of his second birthday, and his little sister not quite one year. These children are not what we call "true" orphans as they have two parents. However, their mother has been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. She has experienced advancing cognitive decline and has been told that she will not live long. Her husband, though currently out of work, typically works as a day laborer to support the family. He is currently caring for his wife in her illness. While the family includes grandparents, they are quite elderly and not in good health. 
As the children's mother's condition worsened, the family had to face reality. They would not be able to continue to care for the two young children much longer, particularly once the father succeeded in finding work. It was about this time that the family learned of Bangla Hope from an extended family member. The father came to believe that this was the answer to the future care of his precious children. 
When we arrived at the home of the family, there was a sense of uncertainty and anxiousness on the part of the family members. The father was doing his best to reassure the rest of the family and keep the children calm. The family told us through an interpreter that the mother most likely did not fully understand the impact of what was happening. I watched her closely and felt that she was trying very hard to put on a brave face, despite deep emotion just beneath the surface.

Her children will always know that they were entrusted to Bangla Hope out of a selfless act of love on the part of their parents.
Suvo and Sneha are adjusting extremely well to their new home. However, they need loving sponsors. If you feel the Holy Spirit nudging you to sponsor them, and you are willing to let these little ones into your heart please contact us at our US office at (509) 586-4259. You can help write the rest of the story for Sneha and Suvo.

Janet and Jethro Marandi

Janet and Jethro Marandi