
Noah Murmu


Age 15

Birthday 2008-11-02

Place Bangla Hope Children's Home

First Name Noah

Gender Male

Noah's Story

Amoti Murmu was not married and the villagers were worried about her. One day a circus came to town. One of the workers was a midget and he was not married. His name was Shoam Soren. The villagers arranged a marriage for the two of them. When the circus moved Amoti went with Shoam and before long she was pregnant. When the circus came back to Amotis village she had a little baby boy. At that time Shoam disappeared and Amoti never saw him again. Finally, she realized he was not coming back. She could not find work because she has one arm that was hurt in an accident when she was younger. How could she take care of her little boy and continue to look for work? She heard about Bangla Hope and hoped he would have a better life with us. Soon after, little Noah joined our children. Beverly Waid Director of Bangla Hope Orphanage