2 of 6 Shares Sponsored

Joya Jerisa Tudu

Age 21

Birthday 2002-10-26

Place Bangladesh Adventist Nursing College (BANC)

First Name Joya

Gender Female

Joya's Story

Joya comes from the Western part of Bangladesh and a very poor background. Her family condition is hand to mouth. They are living in the house that the government provided them to live in because they do not have any land to live on.

Joya dreams of becoming a nurse and help the sick people. She came to know about the Bangla Hope Sponsorship Program and applied for sponsorship. She is now in the Nursing College and hopes that her dream is going to come true. She is a good and diligent student. She needs sponsorship to continue her Nursing study there, otherwise, she will not be able to finish.

I know you will enjoy sponsoring her and you are changing a life.

By, Panuel Baroi, Sponsorship Director, Bangla Hope Mission