
Konny Dhali


Age 21

Birthday 2002-07-20

Place Grameen Nursing College, Dhaka

First Name Konny

Gender Female

Konny's Story

Spring of 2006. We were going to the Southern part of Bangladesh to meet some guardians of small children. Children whose parents/guardians were unable to care for them any longer. It took about 6 hours to get to the village where the guardians were to bring the babies. We found a few places where families had built homes right at the edge of the road and it was difficult to go around them. Finally we were forced to park our vehicle and walk. We walked over 2 very dilapidated bridges. One bridge had so many holes, I was afraid of falling through to the water below. We arrived at the home of one of our church workers. Here the guardians of the babies were gathering. We met Konny here. She was with her mother and big sister. Their story was so sad. Her husband came home one day and forcefully gave her an injection of pesticides. It almost killed her, but her father found her in time and nursed her back to health. The husband has never been found. This mother cannot work and take care of two little girls too. We took Konny with us back to our Receiving Center/orphanage. She is adjusting well. I know you will enjoy sponsoring Konny. She will be blessed because you have chosen to sponsor her. Beverly Waid Director of Bangla Hope Orphanage Update 1/2018 Konny is in class 10 at SAMS boarding school (Seventh-day Adventist Maranatha Seminary). Her favorite class is Bible. She says she likes to help people. Her favorite thing to eat is soup. Her favorite friends are Jenny and Brittany. When Konny has free time, she likes to play games. She is a tall, shy girl, and very sweet.