
Monalisa Chisim


Age 22

Birthday 2001-10-11

Place Bangladesh Adventist Nursing College (BANC)

First Name Monalisa

Gender Female

Grade College

Monalisa's Story

Enrolled @ BANC for the 2024 school year in the diploma nursing program.

Monalisha is studying at Monoshapara Adventist Seminary and School (LMAS). Her mother’s name is Shonai Chisim. Her father is Bijoy Nafak. She  has 2 sisters. She comes from the northern part of Bangladesh in a district called Natrokona. Father is a day laborer and does not earn enough to always feed his family.  

  Monalisha enjoys learning and wants to do well in her studies at this school. She is a very kind girl. She would like to become a nurse someday. 

   Monalish’s parents cannot afford her educational expenses. She needs someone like you to sponsor her so she can continue her education. Please know that you are making a wonderful difference in her life.