
Suporna Kundu


Age 6

Birthday 2017-10-18

Place Bangla Hope Children's Home

First Name Suporna

Gender Female

Suporna's Story

Suporna was born close to Kalkata in India. The mother of this baby went there without any passport and visa. She married a Hindu man who drank too much and worked as a Truck Driver. Later, the man demanded a dowry from her parents but Kolpona doesn't have parents. For this reason, the drunk man beat her and kicked her almost every night. It was so terrible for the family. One day the husband was found dead on the road side from drinking too much alcohol. But now Kolpona and her daughter had worse problems, especially no food to eat at home. Mother took the courage to return to Bangladesh to her relative in the hopes she could get shelter and food. She told that it was a terrible experience for them during crossing the India / Bangladesh boarder! She thought that they both might die or be shot by the Indian Army. But during the night they entered into Bangladesh through the ponds and cannels. After coming to Bangladesh she found one of her sisters but she couldn't help her. Kolpona came to know about Bangla Hope orphanage and wanted her daughter Suporna to join the Bangla Hope family so that she can support herself through some work. At present Suporna is playing with other kids at Bangla Hope orphanage and making new friends in the Children's Home & adjusting to the environment. Suporna needs somebody like you; I know you will enjoy sponsoring Suporna. Please know that you are making a wonderful difference in her life. Panuel Baroi Sponsorship Director Bangla Hope Orphanage