
Bishowjit Bullet Debshorma

Age 21

Birthday 2002-08-07

Place BCI Engineering, Dhaka

's Story

Studying Computer engineering. Bishowhit came from the western part of Bangladesh. Most of his neighbors are of the Hindu environment. His family condition is hand to mouth. They have no land to grow crops on.

In his early age, he studied at Seventh-Day Adventist Maranatha Seminary(SAMS) boarding school and has very good study habits. He finished his twelve classes last year, 2021. He keeps his dream to become a computer engineer but knows it costs lots of money. He has strong determination to study and he knows that God will supply his need through Bangla Hope. Recently he was admitted in the Program by God's grace.

He is a hard working and delightful student. He will be an example to other students and he will not join in the classes on Sabbath.

I know you will enjoy sponsoring him and you are changing a life.


Mr. Panuel Baroi,

Sponsorship Director, Bangla Hope Mission