4 of 6 Shares Sponsored

Bristy Das

Age 21

Birthday 2003-04-09

Place Bangladesh Adventist Nursing College (BANC)

First Name Bristy

Gender Female

Grade 10

Bristy's Story

Spring of 2006. We were going to the Southern part of Bangladesh to meet some guardians of small children. Children whose parents/guardians were unable to care for them any longer. It took about 6 hours to get to the village where the guardians were to bring the babies. We found a few places where families had built homes right at the edge of the road and it was difficult to go around them. Finally we were forced to park our vehicle and walk. We walked over 2 very dilapidated bridges. One had so many holes I was afraid of falling through to the water below. We arrived at the home of one of our church workers. Here the guardians of the babies were gathering. We met Bristy and her mother. Her mother is an SDA Christian whose husband died of cancer last year. She had to put her five year old son in an orphanage, and now she wanted us to take Bristy. She also has an eleven year old son. We chose to take Bristy back the Receiving Center/Orphanage with us. She is adjusting well. Thank you for choosing to sponsor Bristy. We know it will be a blessing for both you and Bristy. Beverly Waid Director of Bangla Hope Orphanage Update 1/2015 Bristy is in class 7 and is now studying at SAMS boarding school (Seventh-day Adventist Maranatha Seminary). She says English and Bible are her favorite subjects. Her favorite food is coconut. She wants to go to college and become a teacher. She is shy buy friendly; the children like her. Bristy has a good work ethic. She is a good helper and does well with responsibility!

Update 08/2022: Bristy has decided to pursue a nursing degree. She began a tutoring program in February at Bangladesh Adventist Nursing College(BANC) to prepare her for the National Nursing School Entrance Exam. She passed the exam and will be attending Grameen Nursing Institute, one of the nation's leading nursing schools. Classes began for her on June 15th.