
Kara Mondol

Age 20

Birthday 2003-06-09

Place Bangladesh Adventist Nursing College (BANC)

First Name Kara

Gender Female

Grade 10

Kara's Story

Spring of 2006. We were going to the Southern part of Bangladesh to meet some guardians of small children. Children whose parents/guardians were unable to care for them any longer. It took about 6 hours to get to the village where the guardians were to bring the babies. We found a few places where families had built homes right at the edge of the road and it was difficult to go around them. Finally we were forced to park our vehicle and walk. We walked over 2 very dilapidated bridges. One had so many holes I was afraid of falling through to the water below. We arrived at the home of one of our church workers. Here the guardians of the babies were gathering. There we met Kara and her family. Kara has a sister and a brother, but they were too old for us to take with us. The family has no land of their own, and the little house they live in is full of water nine months out of the year. The father cannot make enough money to feed and clothe his children. We were able to bring little Kara back to our Receiving Center/Orphanage. She is getting good care and adjusting well. Thank you for choosing to sponsor Kara. We know it will be a blessing for both you and her. Beverly Waid Director of Bangla Hope Orphanage Update 1/2015 Kara is in class 6. Her favorite subject in school is Bangla. She loves to eat biscuits (cookies). When she has time, she likes to draw and do puzzles. Her best friends are Kakoli and Bristy. She wants to go to college and become a teacher. Kara is a shy, sweet girl. She is a joy to be around.